Can I Prepare For UPSC From Zero Level?
Yes, you can begin UPSC preparation from Zero level if you follow the right road map, an effective strategy. One thing you must not miss here is to buy academic books online and get access to quality resources for preparation.
We know that UPSC CSE is one of the toughest exams in the world. If you are serious about becoming a part of the administration of the world’s largest democratic, it is worth your hard work and efforts.
How Can I Start Preparing For UPSC?
Here is a quick and easy-to-understand guide for beginners. We have divided the road map into a few steps, so that you can implement this plan easily. So, let’s start then!
Step 1
Understand The Exam Structure
 Make sure you know the exam structure and pattern well Before diving into UPSC preparation. It includes everything, from understanding the exam stages to the syllabus, going through the number allocation to deciding on the optional.
UPSC consists of three stages: Preliminary, Main, and Interview. Candidates are selected based on their performance in the mains and interviews. A candidate appears in the mains only after passing the prelims. Â
The preliminary exam is conducted on CSAT and GS papers. The main exam is conducted on 9 papers (GS paper I to IV, Optional Paper I and II, Essay, Compulsory Indian Language, and English).
Step 2
Understand Detailed Syllabus and The Choose Your Optional
 Starting the UPSC CSE exam preparation on the right track is important. To do that, you have to be well aware of its syllabus pattern. So, take time to go through the detailed syllabus and create a mind map of the whole structure.
 Once you know the syllabus, make sure to choose your two optional papers. These decisions also play to decide how well you will perform in the exam.
Pro Tips To Choose Optional Papers Effectively:
- Select the subject you have a genuine interest in.
- Consult mentors or research online to make informed choice
- Be very honest about your weaknesses and strengths.
Step 3
Create a Preparation Strategy and Study Plan
Having a UPSC Exam preparation strategy and UPSC exam study plan is a must for a candidate. It makes things streamlined and easy to control.
 First, start with making a personal strategy or UPSC preparation roadmap for you. After you make it, maintain a study plan or weekly routine to achieve your study goal easily.
 Here also we would like to share two tips for beginners,
- Don’t blindly follow any others’ study routine.
- keep focus on your needs, weaknesses, and convenience.
Also Read:Â Common Mistakes To Avoid While Preparing for UPSC Examination
Step 4
Gather Study Materials
What study material is required for the UPSC exam? Most candidates stay confused with this question. So, don’t get too confused. Collect only standard UPSC preparation books online and stick to them only. As following too many textbooks can make you confused.
Step 5
Make Your Note
Making notes is a crucial step for UPSC candidates because notes help candidates prepare effectively. It also streamlines the revision process and saves your time in the last-minute preparation.
Pro tips to make notes
- Keep your notes crisp.
- Make sure to refer to multiple resources to pick relevant information.
- Use bullet points, and tables to create notes.
- Buy academic books online to access only quality resources of UPSC.
Step 6
Practice Answer Writing, Give Mock Tests and Practice Time Management
Start writing answers after covering each chapter. Once you complete the paper start, start giving mock tests. These practices will help you to prepare for both mock and main exam preparation.
It will improve your writing skills and retention power with time. These time-based tests will also help you to boost your time management ability in Civil service exam.
Step 7
Revise Thoroughly
Allocate sufficient time in your study routine for the weekly revision schedule. It will help you to recall all essential information in the exam hall.
Step 8
Stay Updated With Current Affairs
Current affairs play a crucial role in the UPSC exam. So you need to stay updated with national and global news, government policies, and important events.
Pro Tips
- Maintain a notebook to record important updates daily.
- Cover at least the crucial news of the last five to six months of the exam.
- Keep an eye on YouTube videos or online portals to get precise coverage on each topic.
What is The Secret To Success in UPSC?
The passion, dedication, smart work, and of course the capability to learn from failure are the secret tricks of success in UPSC.
Success Tips for UPSC Aspirants:
- Allocate equal time on all subjects.
- Track your improvement and identify your weak areas.
- Take enough rest and stay positive.
- Start working on your communication skills.
- Be aware of different social issues.
Buy Academic Books Online To Commence Your UPSC Preparation
Buy academic books online from The Online College Street store. Here you get a complete all UPSC preparation books for beginners as well as the best books for the UPSC CSE exam.